
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Inventory & Inventory Grafi #3

                                                   The side table next to couch
- camp light
- 3 candels
-  house thermometer
- hand lotion
- remote holder
- four t.v remotes
- one framed cat photo
- one engagement photo
- one child photo
- a childs magic 8 ball
- a remote holder
- two candles for dining
                              This person probably uses this table for a lot.The photos would show some of thier life in pictures.They have lots of candels so either they just like candels or their electricity isn't reliable.The lotion mst be used frequently as it seems to be a centeral location to leave it.Must be kids in the house as there is a magic 8 ball on it.With all those remotes must be a lot of devices to run.In all the table must be a free for all for everything without a rightful place.

1 comment:

  1. Sure, this does the job: first the details, then a paragraph pulling them together, making sense of them.
