
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Graff 14 - Research plan

                     My plan of writing my paper is going to have to start with sorting through information.Narrowing the topic down.I plan on looking through web sites for Missouri adoptions from 1973 to 1992.I thought  this gives me a time period to work within that helps narrow the field a little.I'm also; old school so I'm sure a library will be in there.Looking for books of sories about adoptions that took place through that period.I'm thinking cutting it down to a handful of laws that were crucial to adoption then would be better than trying to sort through all of the laws.Also; for the personal side of things I may interview my own adopted mother for that aspect and send my birthdaughter and her parebts a questionare.Asking things that held them up,kept then up at night and maybe why choosing adoption was good for them.In Missouri at the time of my bithdaughters adoption birthparents had three years to take childern back no questions asked, I would like thier feeling on that.I'm sure I will get this narrowed  down with time and research.

1 comment:

  1. Google groups and google blogs may offer help, information, support.
