I have traveled many different roads in my life.Some were long and even,some were windy and bumpy.Some were just plain boring with no particular direction.But the hardest road traveled is more obtuse and more like a mirror reflection of ones inner self and one we all must face on nearly a daily basis.This is the road of "morals."The moral road.Good vs. evil.Be good?Be bad?Do the right thing?Yes, of course most of us are taught right or wrong from the time we are small.But if we are all truly honest with ourselves how many times on any given day has that "moral road" been tested or weighed?
There are some among us that have no issue with the "moral road."They are the ones that we all have seen and dealt with.They have no problem lying about everything from their homework to their bills being paid.No issue with not paying for something when the cashier had over looked it.They seem to other people to get freely by just playing by their own rules.Doing what suits them regardless of right or wrong.As if the universe owes them something.Meanwhile pissing a lot of other hard working, honest people off and not caring about that either.The most annoying thing about these types of people is that there seems to be no outward punishment for their disregard.And in the severe cases the "moral" people have to hold back with all their "moral" goodness not to smack the hell right out of em!
Then their are the "moral" high road people that always seem to try so hard to do the right thing.They always tell the cashier,"I'm sorry you didn't ring this up."Or let the bank teller know they've given you to much money.These are the people you see that you think wow, now that person has a great moral compass.(or road)Even though they seem to get knocked down more than the others with not such a good "moral road."They seem satisfied with knowing in their soul they are doing whats right,whats decent.They are also the people you want to hug and grab to show the others and scream,"See!The world would be a better place if you could be more like them!"
There are also a majority of people that for the most part try very hard to have a high moral road.They pay their bills the best they can,treat their kids well,respect their spouses and are law abiding.But they are the tested ones.When the cashier forgets to ring up a fifty dollar item they think for a moment.....I could really use that extra cash...it was their mistake...and in that 30 seconds they are in-between roads.They usually come quickly back to the good "moral road" and fess up.Maybe it's because their kid has noticed and is waiting to see what mommy will do or maybe its their inner voice screaming at them that their gonna feel like shit for it.Either way they do the right thing and in the process make the world a better place.
In the end there are a lot of "moral" roads.And I would say most of us fall somewhere in the middle.Try like we may the world is harder and harder these days and loose morals are something not so frowned upon as they once were.Its really rather sad.But I still believe.Believe that doing the right thing and passing it on to the next generations is the "right thing" and that the world will be a better place for it.And so if that bank teller ever gives me to much money again I will take it back to her again.Not because I'm better than any one else but because my "moral road" is sitting in my back seat, watching me, learning how to be in this crazy, hard, world and I want her to know that being honest and good are not just a "moral road" they are a human dignity that I believe in.
I'll take this.
ReplyDeleteHere's what's strong: clearly division, clearly structured, coherent, makes sense.
Here's what's weak: no specific LS in it at all, except in the very last sentence. No specific examples from your own life or experience.
Anyway, today the good stuff outweighs the not-so-good.