
Friday, December 7, 2012

Final I-Search Draft

                                                  ADOPTION  THEN  AND  NOW

                                                         English 101,College Composition
                                                                    December 7, 2012
                                                                      John  Goldfine


                  When I started to think of what subject I may write about for this paper I knew it had to be something close to my heart. I quickly started to consider the subject of adoption. I was adopted in the state of Missouri in 1976.As one might imagine a million questions arise for adopted children. As a youngster I wondered who I may look like act like or where I may have lived if I'd not been adopted. In 1992 I was in high school and discovered I was pregnant. Although; it broke my heart and I cried daily about my decision I knew I must place this beautiful unborn child up for adoption. I wanted this baby to have all I had been given and offered. I knew that I at the age of seventeen with no job and not yet a high school diploma I could never give my birth child what was deserved of her. So I chose this subject of adoption because I am on both sides of the coin because I have a lot of questions still and because I love my birth family (although I don't know them) and I love my birth daughter with all my heart and soul. To learn more for myself and for her and to maybe just maybe open other people's eyes to a view of adoption they may not know about.


                   My story of adoption began in Harrisonville, Missouri in December of 1973.I was a newly born baby and at three days old was placed in a foster family. It was the home of Ann and John Lozano. They had a biological son named Alex and had fostered many babies before. At the age of three they had officially adopted me and I was there for good. I noticed from a very young age, I believe I was about 4, that I looked and acted differently than the rest of my adopted family. I  was blond with pale skin and green eyes and a huge open personality. In contrast my biological father was 100% blooded Mexican with black hair brown eyes and darker skin. I even asked him at four years old what a black guy like him was doing  in a white family like ours. Lucky, I suppose for me, he thought this was hysterical and laughed wildly. My adoptive mother is tall thin with brown  hair and big brown eyes. So even at a very young age the physical differences were noticed by me. The personalities were noticeably just as different. I was very open talkative and optimistic. My adoptive mother was very reserved and quiet always choosing words carefully. My adoptive brother was also quiet and reserved but seemed to enjoy his little sister's big look at life. All these differences made me very curious about my birth parents early on. From around pre-school I remember asking questions about who they were where I came from and how I ended up here. My adoptive mother was very open and honest but being that adoptions in that day were closed there was not much she could tell me. Being that I was a happy well loved kid this was okay when I was that young. As I  grew though the questions nagged at me more.


                   "Curiosity killed the cat." I use this saying because I think it's more curiosity than anything else that makes me research and write about this topic. Curiosity about who I am on a deeper biological level. Where I truly began before the adoption.
  1. If I looked at a photo of my birth family who would I resemble?
  2. Would I laugh like one of my birth grand parents or sound like a birth parent?
  3. Where they all hushed adoptions closed to everyone?
  4. How were the birth mothers of 1973 treated compared to now?
  5. What were the ramifications for young unwed mothers in the 1970's? And have they change?
  6. Did the legalization of abortion affect adoption rates?
  7. Was it at all common for birth mothers to leave letters for their babies for when they grew up?
  8. Are open adoptions more common today compared to the 1970's?
There are plenty of questions for such a subject as this. Some are pure legal questions and may have more clear cut answers. Where as some questions are more emotional ones and the answers may be less clear cut and more personal based on who is doing the asking and answering. Either way and which either side you're on the subject is one of depth and care. I suspect all questions may not be answered. Sometimes the cat just doesn't get the satisfaction to bring him all the way back.

                                            WHAT  I  KNOW:

  1. I know that adoptions in the state of Missouri in the 1970's were very closed deals. Even in the case of serious medical issues it was near to impossible to get a judge to grant opening the sealed records.
  2. I  know that emotions ran and still run high not matter what side you're on.
  3. I know that years ago orphanages were common practice, over crowed and the children were often not loved the way they deserved to be.(Babe Ruth grew up in one)
  4. I know that there was much desperation on both sides of the fence.
  5. I know that love is such a complicated and needed feeling that people do not always think clearly.

                                            THE  SEARCH:

                      The true search of this began many years ago in my bedroom growing up in Missouri. Back then all I had were questions and imagination. Never did I  think that over thirty years later I would be writing about this in a paper for an English class. Once I started the search for this paper it lead me down many a road. Some of the search was very emotional on a personal level. And some was more than a little infuriating. I began by looking into the laws of Missouri adoption in 1973 up to 1992 while staying within Missouri law only.(Kansas City Adoption Law FAQ) I found it to be very helpful with laws of that time for that area. I really needed to find something that was more informative about the personal issues from both birth sides and adoptive ones. For this I found a very helpful website.(Adoption Network Law Center) The name of the site is a bit deceiving because it makes it sound like a  center for laws. And although it did have some it was mainly personal stories from both birth parents and adoptive parents as well as adopted children. It was heart wrenching and over whelming at times but very helpful. I had intended to get some personal view from my own birth daughter however when researching and writing this she was going through some personal issues and wasn't very keen on speaking to me so I didn't ask. My adoptive mother was very kind and helpful. She had more of an emotional input of course. I was in need of more general factual information also so I could get a broader over view of adoption as a whole.(Wikipedia- The Free Encyclopedia) All these references combined made for good information and a open paper.

                                            WHAT   I  LEARNED:

                    I think I could write and endless paper on just what I  learned alone. I began this search believing that the internet and people were going to be my prime sources. And they were for the majority. Emotion and people played a greater role in the shape than even I had expected. I  found invaluable information and more than one heart breaking story. I learned that even in the 1970's it was still "unbecoming" for and un married pregnant woman to be seen in public. And in the case of adoption she often was sent to "homes for unwed mother's."(I thought those were way back not in the 70's for sure!) Thankfully in today's society they have done away with this.( In other country's women can still be killed for un married pregnancies and adoption's are still only within families) I really thought when I started this search that I would find that abortion rates would be lower later in the decades such as 1980's and 1990's just due to the fact  that adoption was by that time more accepted. I found that I was wrong in my thought. Abortion rates actually sky rocketed in the early 1990's. I found this shocking. I'm not a naïve woman but I truly thought that because there wasn't so much judgement on adoption that more young people would choose this over abortion. I found it really came more down to emotions and what people considered easier.(I don't see that either would be easy but?) Also I found what I thought was an interesting fact : I n Missouri in 1973  a family was only allowed to adopt one child per family. My adoptive mother informed me that in fact yes that was true. For after she adopted me she had wanted to adopt a baby boy she had cared for as a foster child in our home for three years and was denied. Denied because my parents had adopted me already. I remember him. His name was Brian. The day he was adopted and left my mother cried her eyes out and wailed on our front lawn. And then Brian cried. It was really really awful. I firmly believe that is why my mother never fostered another child. I was six years old and even I knew my mommy's heart was broken. So much of what I found related to my own adoption. The fact that there was no information on my own adoption was a direct result of the laws of that time. The fact that you could only adopt one child directly affected my own adopted family. As the years went on and the laws changed  it affected my own adoption as a birth mother. I believe I was fortunate during my adoption process with my own birth daughter. I was able to have an open adoption choose the adoptive parents and keep in contact without over burdening my birth daughters life. I wanted  her to have open access to me whenever she was ready for that, while still letting her live her own life. Adoption is complicated and ever changing and ever in the name of love.

                                             THE  FUTURE:

                  For adoption as a whole I  hope the future holds even more openness and care. I hope that society continues to become more accepting and helpful for the people that are in a difficult position. I also hope that for the sake of all medical records will be a given at every adoption both open and closed. The medical side of adoption is very important and would certainly help with the raising of a child for the adoptive parents. On a personal note I  hope that my birth daughter comes back around and wants to continue a relationship. We have always had a relationship and I want that to grow and continue. I  want her to feel always loved and accepted by me. I will be here when she's ready.For adoptive parent's including my own mother I hope they realize more and more what a huge impact they make. How very much people like them are needed for children that just need love. Adoptive parents are brave people. They dare to love deeply for children they have no biological connection to because they have the good since to realize that blood does not make a family- love does. I hope I have made it very clear to my own adoptive mother throughout my life- I so appreciate her unconditional love for me and all she's done for me. From being a ward of the state to a loved child there really is no greater un-selfish gift. Thank you to all adoptive parents you have made a positive impact to the world that will last forever. And for birth parents you're heart breaking decision changed the lives of more than one- you are never forgotten.


Wikipedia- The Free Encyclopedia- website-  11/13/2012
         The site gives in depth history from middle ages to contemporary times on many forms of adoption.
Kansas City Adoption Law FAQ- PA Kenney W; - website-    11/13/2012
       This site has lists of the most asked questions concerning all forms of adoption
Adoption Network Law Center-  11/13/2012
       This site is mostly a site leaned towards birth parents and the emotional impact of adoption
Ann Lozano-adopted mother and foster mother to many-personal interview- over several days and times
         Had great personal insight and information concerning feelings of adopted parents. Also insight into the children's point of view. And with much love I say my deepest thanks and forever all my love.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Graff #21 Course Evaluation

                                Wow did this course go super fast.I know some people might disagree with me but wow to me it did.I really liked the way this course was set up.The syllabus was clear and helpful and you were easy to get with when needed.I really liked the whole thing being blogged.I found that easier than some other ways teachers do these on line courses.I liked how you commented on everything we wrote.For the most part I agreed with you on all you wrote to me.There were a couple of times I read a comment or two and thought what in the hell  John?But only once or twice and none were a big deal.I thought you're comments were honest,direct and on point.Some might find all the comments to be critical but I'm not one of em.I knew it wasn't personal and it was for the writing so it was okay with me.I really appreciated you're patience with me since my computer trouble started.Of course it all has to blow up during finals!Awww...well I 'll get through as best I can and before next semester get a new damn computer!!!I really have no suggestions or complaints for you or you're set up.I'd be happy to have you again if I ever have to take another one of you're classes.Thanks for all you taught me and rest assured you really did teach me and I really did learn!!

Graff #20 Reaction to my own graffs/essays

                         My own reactions to my graffs/essays.Wow that's kinda loaded!I feel they have gotten better over the class.I think I struggled with some more than others.Lets not forget the cause essay!I thought I'd give myself a bloody concussion with that one.It was so hard for me to grasp and really I'm still not sure why.That must have been one you read as a teacher and thought a few choice things too!Haha...I think my process essay was really good.I did much better when I choice things that meant a lot to me.Like my cats,kids and the decorating for Christmas.Although I think I started this class as a pretty good basic writer that enjoyed writing I now feel expanded.I feel I use more and better detail and know ways of writing that I never knew before.Hell I'd never even heard of a graff!! Yup you can laugh.Before writing for me was just a nice story on anything that popped into my mind.The ideas still are but now there more organized.I understand better about detail,description,process and so on.Overall my writing got better,which I believe was the point from a class  and  teacher,student dynamic.So, I'm happy I had to take this class,glad I gave it my all and wouldn't even mind if I ever had to take another writing class similar to this.

Division Essay Timed Graff

                     I have traveled many different roads in my life.Some were long and even,some were windy and bumpy.Some were just plain boring with no particular direction.But the hardest road traveled is more obtuse and more like a mirror reflection of ones inner self and one we all must face on nearly a daily basis.This is the road of "morals."The moral road.Good vs. evil.Be good?Be bad?Do the right thing?Yes, of course most of us are taught right or wrong from the time we are small.But if we are all truly honest with ourselves how many times on any given day has that "moral road" been tested or weighed?
                     There are some among us that have no issue with the "moral road."They are the ones that we all have seen and dealt with.They have no problem lying about everything from their homework to their bills being paid.No issue with not paying for something when the cashier had over looked it.They seem to other people to get freely by just playing by their own rules.Doing what suits them regardless of  right or wrong.As if the universe owes them something.Meanwhile pissing a lot of other hard working, honest people off and not caring about that either.The most annoying thing about these types of people is that there seems to be no outward punishment for their disregard.And in the severe cases the "moral" people have to hold back with all their "moral" goodness not to smack the hell right out of em!
                      Then their are the "moral" high road people that always seem to try so hard to do the right thing.They always tell the cashier,"I'm sorry you didn't ring this up."Or let the bank teller know they've given you to much money.These are the people you see that you think wow, now that person has a great moral compass.(or road)Even though they seem to get knocked down more than the others with not such a good "moral road."They seem satisfied with knowing in their soul they are doing whats right,whats decent.They are also the people you want to hug and grab to show the others and scream,"See!The world would be a better place if you could be more like them!"
                      There are also a majority of people that for the most part try very hard to have a high moral road.They pay their bills the best they can,treat their kids well,respect their spouses and are law abiding.But they are the tested ones.When the cashier forgets to ring up a fifty dollar item they think for a moment.....I could really use that extra was their mistake...and in that 30 seconds they are  in-between roads.They usually come quickly back to the good "moral road" and fess up.Maybe it's because their kid has noticed and is waiting to see what mommy will do or maybe its their inner voice screaming at them that their gonna feel like shit for it.Either way they do the right thing and in the process make the world a better place.
                     In the end there are a lot of "moral" roads.And I would say most of us fall somewhere in the middle.Try like we may the world is harder and harder these days and loose morals  are something not so frowned upon as they once were.Its really rather sad.But I still believe.Believe that doing the right thing and passing it on to the next generations is the "right thing" and that the world will be a better place for it.And so if that bank teller ever gives me to much money again I will take it back to her again.Not because I'm better than any one else but because my "moral road" is sitting in my back seat, watching me, learning how to be in this crazy, hard, world and I want her to know that being honest and good are not just a "moral road" they are  a human dignity that I believe in.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Draft for I- Search Paper

                                                      ADOPTION THEN AND NOW

                                                           Eng.101,College Composition
                                                              November 13,2012
                                                                  John Goldfine



   I chose the subject of adoption because it is a very personal one for me.I am adopted and am also a birth-parent.With this in mind I thought I had a lot to offer this subject.As I researched I discovered I also; had a lot to learn about my chosen topic.


   I  was a well loved child with adoptive parents and a brother who was a biological child to my adoptive parents.My relationship with my adoptive mother was very open and I always knew I was adopted.She told me she loved me often and was very good to me.Still I always was very much aware how different I was.I didn't look like anyone in my family.My personality was completely opposite from theirs.When you're blond with green eyes,fair skin  and a huge personality its hard to miss how different that is compared to black hair,medium skins and very quiet, reserved personalities.


    "Curiosity killed the cat."I use that saying because curiosity is what really has brought me to i-search this topic.I leave the other half of the saying out because I'm not sure if there will be any "satisfaction."As any adopted child I have always wondered certain things about my birth family.Mainly I suppose my birth mother.Deeper than that however; I wonder what  the process was then and how it has evolved to today's standards of adoption.I search this for perhaps a deeper understanding of myself,my adopted family,my birth family and both my roles as adopted daughter and birth mother to a young woman.

                                                       WHAT I KNOW:

  1.  I know that in the days of my own adoption (1973) they were closed private matters with little to no information given to any of the parties involved.
  2.  I know that orphanages were huge and used often.
  3.  I know in most cases birth mothers were not even permitted to see or say goodbye to their babies.
  4.  I know it was very hush,hush even the lawyers involved spoke very little of their cases.
  5.  I know there was often much desperation on both sides.
                                                    WHAT I DON'T KNOW:

  1. What were the laws for adoption between 1973 and 2002 in Missouri?
  2. What were the ramifications  for young,unwed mothers wanting to put their babies up for adoption before it was "acceptable" to even be unmarried and pregnant?
  3. When did we move  from hush,hush closed adoptions to open acceptable adoptions?
  4. How did the legalization of abortion changed the views on adoption?(both in society and for pregnant women)
  5. How many woman were forced to give up their babies when in fact that's not what they wanted to do?
                                                     THE SEARCH:

        I began this search believing that my two best sources were going to be the internet and people.The internet certainly did have a lot to offer.It was actually more of a task to figure out what to use from the internet and what to let go.I found invaluable information and more than one heart breaking story.Using people for my search proved to be much more difficult than I thought it would be.My adoptive mother was helpful and understanding to what I was doing.She gave me the information of her experience in adopting me and also; caring for so many foster babies and being rejected to adopt one of them.His name was Brian and he was three years old when he left our family to be adopted.I was six and I will never forget that day.But hearing my mother tell it from her perspective broke my heart.I actually cried.She was so heart broken.In the 1970's in the state of Missouri  a family was only allowed to adopt one child and they had already adopted me.She wanted to keep Brian so much, it was  soon after that my mother stopped fostering children.I think it hurt her to much.
         I was planning on using information from my own birth daughter and her adoptive parents also.This plan did not work out for me.We have always had an open adoption and relationship.Attending weddings together,traveling to see my birth daughter perform in dance recitals,showing them around when they came to Maine,spending an entire week when my daughter Grace was a baby just so my birth daughter,Madeline and Grace could bond.These relationships have continued all these years.(Madeline is 20 years old)Until October when out of the blue she informs me I never wanted her and she wants nothing to do with me.Needless to say I was more than a little dumbfounded and hurt.She acted as if we'd never met.Her adoptive mother,Maryanne, did offer the words that Madeline was very stressed out right now with school and "going through some growing."These words weren't very helpful for me but she's very young and I have hope she'll come back around.

                                                   WHAT I LEARNED:

  1. What were the laws for adoption in Missouri between 1973 and 2002? I learned that the laws for adoption in the state of Missouri were once some of the strictest in the nation.They allowed birth mothers no time with their newborns.Basically just ripping them away once birthed.(Cruel if you ask me!)Also the birth mothers could name their child,first name only,but were not allowed to ask anything about where they were going or to whom.Some left written notes that they hoped would one day be read by their birth child.They never really knew if they received the notes.
  2. What were the ramifications for young,unmarried mothers wanting to put their babies up for adoption?The ramifications were more emotional than legal.They in a sense were shunned.Made to keep the adoption and in several cases the pregnancy also,secret.They often were sent away to finish their pregnancies and give birth.Then appearing back home as if they had been away to school or on vacation.Avery isolating situation and leaving empty,lonely feelings that some never fully recovered from.
  3. When did our society move from closed hush,hush adoptions to more of an open acceptance of adoptions?Although; my search was really for 1973 to 2002 I found that many years before that adoptions occurred between families as common practice.It was a way to keep the child still within it's "rightful" family.It was very common for the actual birth mother to live within the same house and the child to believe they were their sibling or aunt.More into the time frame I was looking at they were done to strangers.Although they never met each other,large amounts of money exchanged hands and it was common for letters to be sent from the birth mothers.It was also; more trusted by this time that the letters would reach the child when they came of age.
  4. How did the legalization of abortion change adoption views?It had an impact in the sense that women now could choose not to go through the "ordeal" of adoption.For some they believed abortion would be easier and they had no moral issues forbidding  it so to many women abortion actually became the "better" choice.They thought it avoided all the social and law issues of adoption and the commitment they felt they'd have if they chose adoption.Therefore; initial adoption rates went way down.As time went on adoption rates evened back out and even went back up to pre- abortion days.I think women realized there were plenty of issues with abortion also.
  5. Were woman forced to give up babies when that's not what they wanted to do?I did find some horrifying stories of women having their babies  ripped away from them.What I did't expect was that in more than a dozen cases it was husbands forcing these adoptions and not allowing their wives to keep the baby.In most of these cases it was due to MR or illness of the child.And in that time they took the babies away and put the in institutions for their entire lives.(I can not imagine doing such a thing!)
                                                         THE FUTURE:

            I hope that in the future that adoption becomes even more acceptable and open.I don't believe the people that are involved in adoptions get the understanding from the outside world even in society today that they deserve.The people that are in a position to need to put a child up for adoption are not all drugged out worthless high school drop outs with no future and it's time people lay off of that stereotype.For the most part they are often scared,young people that don't want to have an abortion and know they can't be a parent right now.They love their unborn child and are grateful to the people that support them.
              The people that adopt these children should be applauded.Applauded for putting aside trivial things like hair color and height to see whats really of value.For opening their minds,hearts and homes to children that only need to be loved and in  return will love them unconditionally.
              And for the biggest part of the future I hope I look at a family photo and see the blond hair,green eyed girl with the big personality standing next to the the dark haired,brown eyed,quiet woman and proudly think-Nope mom we look nothing alike and our voices sound totally different.Thanks for raising me and loving me because I love you so much and I wouldn't want it any other way!


Wikipedia- The Free Encyclopedia - website-  11/13/2012
   The site gives in depth history from middle ages to contemporary times on many forms of adoption.

Kansas City Adoption Law FAQ- PA Kenney W.,-website - 11/13/2012
       This site has lists of the most asked questions concerning all forms of adoption

Adoption Network Law Center- 11/13/2012
       This site is mostly a site leaned towards birth parents and the emotional impact of adoption

Ann Lozano- adopteed mother and foster mother to many-personal interview -over several days and times 
          Had great insight to adopted parents feelings and process during and after






Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Process Essay

              I could hear the crying in the dark,cold night.Where the heck was it coming from though?As I walk further I see several large,wild looking cats up high on a tin roof looking down.As I get closer the crying becomes louder.As I look down I see where the crying is coming from.It was a shaking,shivering, crying kitten not nearly old  enough to be on its own.I swoop down and pick up this poor creature.I put the kitten inside my coat and glare up at the bigger cats. It  won't be left here for their enjoyment now I think.As I walk with this pitifull kitten in my coat back to my house I wonder how I will care for it.
             By the time I get back to my house with this little creature she's wailing to beat hell.For a being thats no bigger than a cell phone it certainly could wake up an entire town with its crying.Oh boy what do I do now? friend Gayle.Perfect.She rescues cats for a living.She will know what to do.So,I give her a call.
             Once Gayle gets my call she heads over.She brings with her all the necessary "supplies."A very tiny bottle and nipple,evaporated milk,some sweet syurp to add, a blanket and a special soap.Good Lord its like bringing a baby home from the hospital!First trying to feed her.(By now we'd figured out shes a girl)It took a bit to get the hang of feeding this wild,fierce little baby.She grabbed the bottle ,fiercly scrapping at the bottle with her very sharp little claws and sucking for all she was worth.She sucked the bottle down in nothin flat and snoozed off to sleep.Aww...silence.
             Once the pint sized wailer woke up it was time for a bath.Gayle had said when their very young like this they don't normally mind the water.God how I was hopping that was true.Okay,baby luke warm water,special shampoo gently get her wet.Oh boy and here starts the wailing.She really doesn't seem to mind the bath,rather she seems to like it.I wrap her in a towel and get her all fluffy cute.
             Now Gayle informs me I need to "stimulate" this little girl to get her to do her bussiness.Oh great this gets better and better.Usually she says mother cats would lick them to do this but seein how she has no feline mother....So, I did it.Over the sink of course!Kitten pee running down my hand,crying in my ear I think what in Gods name have I gotten myself into?
             My family and I continued all these routines for several weeks.Feeding our new kitten three times a day,bathing at least twice a day and "stimulating every three to four hours.Several weeks into it she was still no bigger than a peanut.Hence our youngest daughter named her Peanut.This tiny crying kitten has grown into a warm, lovely,Maine Coon with a great temperment.She also seems to have an understanding with me,as if she knows I saved her.Always laying with me and purring.I'm so glad I searched  out that sound that cold night and learned and did all I had to, to care for her.I couldn't imagine my life or my familys home without her. 

Monday, November 5, 2012

Process Essay Intro

                        I could hear the crying in the dark,cold night.Where was it coming from though?As I walk further I see several large,wild looking cats up high on a tin roof looking down.As I get closer the crying gets much louder.As I look down I see where the crying was coming from.It was a shaking,tiny kitten not nearly old enough to be on its own.I swoop down and pick up this poor,sad creature.I put the kitten in my coat and glare up at the bigger cats.This baby animal will no longer be here for you're amusement,I think to myself as I stare at the hungry looking cats on the roof.As I start to walk with this kitten I wonder how I will care for her.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Timed Effect Essay

                      Marrige or the single life?These are two very complicated roads everyone in life must decide on at some point.After all both roads have there perks and pitfalls.For some people the idea of marrige has always been thier choice.They stand in front of mirrors pretending to be brides planning that day from the time they are little girls.For others the meer mention of marrige sends them running for the hills.Of course lifes roads are never straight, they get windy,with huge hills,new avenues and exits you never thought you'd take.My favorite road was always clear to me in this area until about 27 years old when a sharp turning curve through me completly onto a new interstate.
                    Marrige.For a very long time that word was enough to make me want to vomit and hide.I was always the one to say ,"Oh no,no,no no, not me!"If you'd seen the inside of my parents marrige the way I did it would be clear why I felt that way.The arguing,the deciet,the affairs,the lying,the long silences that made you wish you were deaf.I saw no good coming from that institution.The only things I could see coming from any marrige was a long dragged out divorce and a lot of fighting.The effect of this on me was monumental.I was never getting married.I did not want to end up miserable just because I had a moment of seeing someone through rose colored glasses.Somehow though rose became a beautiful color later down the road.
                   Living free and on my own terms.Awww yes this would be my road I always had thought.So much simpler.I would live in a high rise apartment over looking the city's millions of lights at night with pale colors throughout my place and glass furniture.No room for another human being.Come and go as I please do as only I wish.After watching years of bickering I was ready for this life and only this life.Some girls dream of their wedding day I dreamed of move in day.
                 That rose color became very bright to me suddenly,unexpected almost like having cold water poured over you're head when your eyes are closed.Of course the cold water was my husband.And all of the sudden I began to see that marrige could be good,loving and a real partnership.Huh,funny how strongly you can feel about something,how the effects can drasticly change you and yet still you can find yourself going down the very road you thought was closed forever.
               For 27 years the effects of  my parents marrige road had me steering and speeding towards an entirely different path.And yet still I ended up on that very road.I believe it goes to show that no matter how hard we try to change the things in our life that effected us the most it is still the most familiar road.So wiether you are looking for the road or not it somehow swings sharp to the left and cuts you off at the pass.They say that the experiences in you're life make you who you are but I think the effect of those experiences have impacted who I am much, much more.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Example Essay

                         Decorating for the Christmas holidays has  always been my favorite time of year.At this point in my life I have had many oppurtunities to do this beloved activity of mine.Twinkling lights,big bright bulbs,tinsel falling from every corner and enough animated figures on the lawn to forget I have a front lawn.I have been accused by most everyone I know for going a "bit over the top."Out of all the moments I have heard such things from my family like,"What in Gods name?" or "Did Santa throw up mommy?"There are a few of these situations that really stick out in my mind.
                         As I drive home from work I am preparing to see tons of glorious lights beaming from my house producing more light then a Patriots football game at night.How I love to see those colorful lights blaring brightly from my ranch style, cedar shingeled home.I have nervously given the outside light task to my husband and youngest daughter this paticular year due to the fact that I had to work.I left very specific written instructions as to where every bulb should be.I went as far as to number the tons of boxes with brand new Christmas lights in them.All they have to do is read and place and it will be perfect!Completly prepared to be wowed I pull anxiously into my driveway.Lights look good on the porch.....and...where are my net lights?As I step out of my vehicle I  notice my daughter and husband standing by the front porch looking like two deer caught in the headlights of a fast moving car.As I approach my daughter pipes up,"Now mommy before you say anything..."Then my husband,"Are you tryin to kill me and make it look like a tragic holiday accident?""What the heck are you two talking about?And why are my net lights in the boxes and not on all the bushes and trees?" My husband and daughter give each other a look."My dear wife these net lights are meant for bushes that are low to the ground.Not for six foot tall bushes.There to small.Didn't you read the size on the nets?" "No I just make sure there beautiful." "Well,my husband says,you can take em back and get different ones for our bushes." "Oh no,no,no,I said,I can go back and get new ones for our bushes and keep these.I'm sure I can find somewhere to use them!And you two can help me!" "Oh brother!"says my daughter and my husband pipes in ,"You're gonna kill me yet!"
                       I look around my living room and I'm amazed.I've  even out done it for myself.Its awesome.The tree is in perfect position with oranaments waiting in boxes for the kids to put on,the singing bells are hung around every corner of the ceiling,the stockings are hung with much care.Awww...and this year I added the Santa hats to my husbands prize deer,took 3rd in the state.He loves that deer.Tells me "never touch the deer."But this is so adorable.Four Santa hats to cutely accent the antlers of his beautiful prized possesion.He couldn't not like it!"What in the **** is that on MY deer?" Uh-oh."Well ,I say as sweetly as possible, I thought the deer could use a little Christmas too." "Isn't it enough that this place looks like the North Pole from Roudolph the Red Nose Reindeer movie?Why in the hell did have to involve MY deer?"Oh he'll get over it,I think, as he mumbles and storms out of the house.MMMMM...I really think the deer needs a scarf!
                     The cats of my home are part of the family.They get meals,treats special places to lay so why not give them thier own stockings?After all Santa can fill them with fishy treats and new toys maybe a little cat nip.So off I go in search of eight perfect stockings.Lets see differnt colors or traditional?Animal themed or not?Names on them or not?As I stand in the aisle of this busy store people I believe are starting to look at me funny.No matter to me its Christmas time and no one will bring me down!Besides these cats are family,childern and they deserve stockings.I finnally decide on traditional green and red and I'll paint there names on each stocking.I painted,applied glitter glue and some little candy canes and hung them up with care next to all of ours.My kids thought it was cute "a nice idea mom" my husband looks me in the  eye and says,"I gotta pee."Well no matter I'm once again happy and satisfied with my "kitty stockings."
                     The twinkling lights,the tinsel, the big bright bulbs I love it all.And yes this year will be no exception.I will do it all again happier than a clam in mud to do so!And in case you're wondering yes the "prize deer " will have the four Santa hats upon his antlers!You see I think deep down they all really love it as much as I do.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Example Essay Intro#3

                              Decorating for the Christmas holidays has always been my favorite time of year.At this point in my life I have had many oppurtunities to do this beloved activity of mine.Twinkling lights,bright bulbs,tinsel falling from every corner and enough animated figures on the front lawn to forget I have a lawn.I have been accused by most everyone I know for going a bit "over the top."Out of all the moments I have heard such things from my family like,"What in Gods name?" or "Did Santa throw up Mommy?"There are a few situations that really stand out.

Graff #19 Reaction to comments on Timed Essay

                                      First off I was glad I saw the assignment before Monday!If I'd have worked over the weekend I may not have.An hour is a challenge for sure.Once I got over the initial shock of seeing there was an assignment there I was like,"Hmmm cool let me think a minute."I knew I had to go with the animal choice.I knew that would be better for me.The rats well I just thought well the animal I love verses the animal I hate!And I have to say I was laughing my butt off at a few of my own lines. Sometimes the personal things I write crack me up!My ten year old daughter was standing over my shoulder and said,"Geez mom you got a violent streak about those rats.Geez!."Which of course made me laugh more.This was a challenge I defiantly enjoyed.  As for you're comments, I'm glad you liked it and accepted it.I also; appreciated you're suggestion.So overall very happy with the entire assignment.

Example Essay Intro re-write

                           At this point in my life I have been through hundreds of Christmas celebrations.Tons of sparkling lights,bright glass bulbs,tinsel flowing out of every corner,and enough animated figures on the front lawn to forget I have a lawn.I really have the best time decorating for the Christmas holiday.I have on more than one occasion been accused of being,"a bit over the top."

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Example Essaay Intro.

                     At this point in my life I have been through hundreds of Christmas celebrations.Tons of memories fill my mind.From standing in the cold December air picking out the best tree,to shopping in crowds full of strangers and decorating until it looks like Santa threw up.I have enjoyed doing all of these things as far back as I can remember.

Timed Essay

                        Rats and cats.Give me a good snuggly cat on my lap and I'll sit for hours.Give me even a glimpse of a vial rat and I'll be on the kitchen counter top praying I can reach my cell phone to call for help.They are both animals after all. Although on the day God created cats I think He must've been havin a great day and on the day He created rats He must've been having a pissy day.
                       Rats and cats both enjoy cheeses.However; thier reasons for the cheeses are worlds apart.I will give my cats a piece of cheese as a treat after behaving well or simply because they cutely meow for it.A rat on the other hand will only get a piece of cheese from me if its on the end of a huge, steel trap that will go SNAP right onto thier furry, pointy eared, little head executioin style.
                        Cats  use the kitty litter boxes polietly  covering up thier business when thier done.Rats leave droppings scattered through panteries,walls,cupboards and basements as if they are leaving road side bombs and a message for me as to say,"Catch me if you can."
                       Cats comfortably lay and snuggle around my home year round.They may be sunning themselves in the bay window or layng on the floor.But when the temperature drops,the snow begins to fly and the wind starts to howl there will be a "temporary" guest.The rat.This disgusting,dirty animal only shows up with the change of weather.I know because the cats will start to jump at the attic door or scratching at the basement door.The game season has changed.No longer chasing birds from the window,now chasing rats through closed doors.The cats meow loudly at the "guest" and the "guest" in turn makes small squeaking noises as if to taunt the cats.
                      Rats rip into everything used to insulate my home.From the walls to ther insullation in the walls.They grossly make thier home as if they belong.The cats make thier bedding from blankets and pillows from the couch polietly giving room for someone else.The rat has no polietness.No care as to how they invade my home,take,take,take is the rat motto.
                      Cheese.It is as necessary in the winter as a shovel.For with the first sign of a disguisting rat I will be setting the trap.SNAP!When I hear that first SNAP I will feel a sense of profound satisfaction at the no trial killing.I have always felt hate was an awful word to use about anything and anybody and have taught this to my childern.But even the childern know when the word hate is used in relation to the deploable rat its completly acceptable.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Contrast Essay

                  You could say my house has gone to the felines.Eight felines to be exact.Some people in my town would also tell you theres a giant neon sign above my front door that blares"sucker" big and bright for all the cats to see.Both statements would be accurate.We were a normal human family of four just two and a half years ago.Then here came the stray and the next and the get the idea.All eight of these cats are blood related in one way or another.Physically they look very similiar.Some even look like they could be twins.Thats where the similarities end.There are defiantly eight very distict personalities from each cat.
                  First off theres Momma Kitty.She started this entire mess.She is the elder cat.And the mother,grandmother and great-grandmother to all the rest.She's a beautiful calico cat with an auro of power.She is layed back,but takes no crap from the youngsters.If she thinks they need to be cleaned by God she will hold them down with one giant paw and clean.If they dare to try to get away she uses two paws tell she feels thier clean.Yes she acts like everyones mother and the other cats respect her.She is also what I call a grateful cat.After years in the outside woods,in the cold,fighting to live and to eat she is loyal and protective of "her" family.
                 Next there is Clepa and Penelope.I speak of them together because physically thses two could be twins.Heck even I have to see thier eyes to be sure whos who.They are both heavy,black and white cats with an identical walk.Thats where it ends.Clepa is a bit older,came from living outside in the winter monthes under a train car with two litters of kittens.One being hers and the other being abandoned when the mother died.She cared for both those litters like they were all her own.She is extremly motherly,purrs most the time and could lay in  a persons arms all day just like a baby.Penelope is a different story.She is what I call my counter cat.She won't get off the counter if you drag her.And forget holding her.She growls under her breath and wants nothing to do with being held.The only time she'll move from the counter and have anything to do with you is when you turn the kitchen faucet on so she can drink water from it.
               Then there are the three sisters,Bashful,Baby and Rhonda.All sisters all different.First Bashful.She hid under my couch for over a week after we rescued her wouldn't even come out to eat.She's a very pretty cat,calico like her mother Momma Kitty.She will hiss at anything she doesn't like but if it comes back at her she runs and hides.She likes to act like shes tough as nails but truthfully shes a big scardy cat.Baby is darker colored with the "M" mark for Maine Coon on her head.She's a very smart cat.My daughter has actually been able to teach her tricks similiar to the ones a dog would do.Shes very loyal,playful and dare I say the smartest cat in the house.And then theres Rhonda.She was actually the first kitten we rescued and brought home.She looks a lot like Baby her sister with the same "M" on her head.She is the most layed back,sweetest,kindest cat I think I've ever known.She purrs constantly.Nothing upsets her.I honestly think that cat wouldn't have the heart to hurt another living thing even in defense of her own life.
              Now we are down to Lady and Peanut.Lady has long, white and almost blackish hair.She is the  most mysterious one of the bunch.She's absolutley terrified of everything and everybody.She actually has to live in our downstairs  because she so afraid of all the other cats and us.You can't hold her,pick her up or even look at her very long.But before you feel to sorry for her our downstairs has carpet,heat,windows is a completly liveable space.Our eldest daughter actually does live down there with Lady.On rare occasion she sleeps in bed with her,but for the most part shes a loner even though shes not really alone.And last but certainly not least theres Peanut.She is a tiny cat with more long wirey hair than actually body wieght and big eyes.Now this is a cat with spunk.What she lacks in size she more than makes up for in courage and inner strengh.Shes also a major snuggler.Every night I say,"Peanut mommy's going to bed come on" and every night like clock work here she comes.Ready to nead on my nightgown rub her face aganist mine and find her snuggly spot on the bed for the night.
              Many times  these furry family members have brought me  to the edge of insanity.More than once I have knocked one off the counter,tripped on more than one in the dark of night and many times cussed under my breath at the cost of yet another vet bill or food bill!Not to mention the cost of living with so many different personalities under one roof.But the loyality of being there when you feel the world is aganist you,laying next to you're sick child all night guarding them for you while you catch sleep or licking what they percieve to be a wound on your husbands head.When they do all these things it makes me think humans could learn a lot from theses cats on how to treat other human beings on this earth.And I love my family both furry and not.

Annotated Bibiliography

PA Kenney W., Kenney."Kansas City Adoption Law FAQ" -website- 10/17/12
This website answers a wide variety of questions concerning all types of adoption including foreign adoptions.Gives examples of recent cases of adoption in Missouri.

From Wikipedia.The free encyclopedia- website- 10/17/12
This site gives much history information from the middle ages to contemporary times.Speaks of many forms of adoption,from family to family adoption to nieghbors to more times of "formal" adoptions."Adoption Network Law Center"-website- 10/16/12
This website deals more with the emotional issues that come from the adoption process.It deals with emotions from all sides but does have a lean towards the birthparent.It includes support group sites.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Contrast Outro

                              There have been a lot of moments these furry beings have driven me to the brick of insanity.I have shoved more than  one off my kitchen counters while trying to cook,cussed under my breath as I yet again trip over one of them in the dark of night  and grumbeled under my breath  about how much the vet will cost this time.Just as I think I may very well  strangle a cat I look over to see one laying watch over my very sick daughter,another licking my husbands injured head and yet another coming to lay with me when I'm sad.Truth is as much much havioc as these creatures may cause they also create loyality and unconditional love 365 days a year that most humans could learn from.

Graf #18 Isearch progress

                                    My research has not gone as easily so far as I planned.The web sites I try aren't helpful.There more for finding people than about laws.My birthdaughter is going through a ,"I'm 20 and better than you" phase so interviewing her or her parents is out right now.Kids!I defiantly think it will take shape of more technical things and have a personal "flare" rather than the other way around.I'm, looking for other places to look for information at the moment.Overall information finding is harder than I thought.So basically I'm still looking for the right places for information.I would like to let it flow like a timeline "through the years" kinda of feel.I need to keep looking.

Contrast Intro #2 Re-write

                               You could say my house has gone to the felines.Eight of them to be exact.Yes I realize its nuts,no need to tell me.I love them all to pieces.They are all related in one way or another,some looking very similiar.Get them all together and you would see how the similaters are only skin(andfur) deep.Some are layed back counter cats, others are scardy cats,some will eat anything,others look at you as if that foods not good enough.Yes they are all very different and still all are very much loved.

Contrast Intro #1 re-write

                                    According to to the town and the state my husband and I own our house.If you ask our eight cats they would disagree.How does anyone end up with so many cats you ask?One word "suckers."We have fallen in love with each and every one of them for very different reasons.First there's Momma,she startted this whole mess bringing her litter to our steps.Then theres Baby who nearly made me hang myself sitting on the top of the curtains crying for two weeks.Bashful who hid under my couch for over a week.Then theres sweet Rhonda that cat couldn't do anything more than purr even if you were trying to kill her.Clepa who spent her entire first night in our home cleaning herself,I think in hopes she looked pretty enough to not have to go back under the train cars.Lady who after a year and half still won't socialize with anyone.Penelope who wouldn't move from under your feet if the house was on fire.Finnally theres Peanut the smallest of all of em but with more mustard then the whole pack.We love them all for thier different ways.

Re-write on Cause essay

                          I have looked down these streets for many years now.Trash blowing down the six lanes of rush hour traffic  that never ends,the people screaming out the windows at one another and the police flying by in yet another high speed chase.The air is heavy with smog and car pollution the haze of which is masked by the 110 degree heat.The crowed bus stop people sweating and cursing waiting for the next public air conditioned bus to come and save them from their misfortune.I wait on that sidewalk,waiting to save myself from this view,the one I have grown to dispise.
                          I have longed to leave this for so long I tell my mother.I can see her hands tighten on the car steering wheel as she drives me to the airport."I know you want to....." I can see the sadness in her eyes.I hate so much to see her in pain but I must continue to explain my reasoning."Mom you know I love you more than anyone but I have to go.I have to leave.The city,the high crime,the memories around every corner there killing my spirit.I can't stay mom.I have to try." My mother looks at me with tears and says,"Memories are in your mind you know?They will still be there." I look at her for a moment knowing she's right in part."Yes mom thats true but they won't be staring me in the face." "Besides", I continue,"I can't possibly take another summer,the noise and the crime rate has sky rocketed." My mother sighs."You can always come home if you change your mind."So off I went.With tears in both our eyes and me on the verge of vomiting I boarded the plane and said goodbye to my old life and hello to the unknown.
                        We have landed.Landed in my new world.As I step off the plane I am freezing,holy crap its only 60 degrees!And where are all the people?Are they even sure this is an airport?As I walk through this tiny "airport", (as they tell me it is)I think well you wanted away from the city and far as I see Bangor,Maine is a suburb,you didn't want crowds none here and the heat well thats disappeared to.As far as crime seems to me theres not enough people for crime here from what I see.I get my bags gathered and walk outside.I take a deep breath.Wow no smog!Is that a bird I hear?Time to call my friend for a ride.As I look around I'm thinking this could go either way.
                        As I ride along with my friend to her home"up north",as she calls it I am amazed by the landscape.Trees,bushes and blue sky for miles.No rushing traffic,unless you count the two logging trucks whizzing by,no screaming people,no sirens,no smog and by now I'm wearing a sweater.It makes me smile for all the reasons I came there are known here.All of which I wanted away is long away,1,960 miles to be exact.I smile to myself perhaps this is just what this city girl born and raised needs.
                        Shoveling,plowing,wood stoves,oil heat and plow trucks.I hate them all.These are the things I didn't think of in my "reasoning."I have recieved all I was looking for in moving to Maine.Its quiet,calm,cool most the time,the air is clean and the crime is low.But I miss my mother and my family.The winter has proven to be hard for me and not what I bargained for.I had never shoveled in my life,never heard of oil heat or seen a wood stove.As I cried to my mother on the phone she said exactly what she said when I left,"You can always come home."Maybe its my stubborn nature but instantly that dried my tears.I knew there had to be another reason to stay here.One that would make shoveling,plowing and wood stoves worth it.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Cause Essay #3 Re-write Intro

                            As I stood on the cold sidewalk in Bangor,Maine thousands of miles from all I'd ever known I thought of some of the reasons that had brought me here.I remmebered being so sick of the city back home,wanting to escape the past and leave it behind and missing my dear,oldest friend in the whole world so bad that I felt for all of this I had to come here.Now standing here I wondered was I niave and to young to realize what was really important.And was this move just a huge mistake?

Cause Intro #2 Re-write

                        The time had come for me to fly.I felt the need to spread my wings and find a knew nest.At the time I left for this new land of Maine I felt so many solid reasons but as I stood waiting in the cold for a cab I  wondered if I ever really had good reasons at all.

New Cause Intro Re-write

                                   As I stood in the dark ,cold air on this foriegn sidewalk thousands of miles from the only life I'd ever known I thought of all the reasons that had brought me to the state of Maine.There seemed so many at the time I moved.Now standing here in the cold alone I had to think of them again.To warm me up as I froze in this unknown cold land.

Contrast Intro #2

                           At first glance most people would look at two cats with same color same walk and not see much differance.This could easily be the case with two of my cats Clepa and Penelope.They are from the same cat family,are both black and white and thier walk is very much the same waddle.Although they seem very similiar at first look they are actually very unique cats with their own since of style.

Contrast Intro #1

                  Two cats.Both black and white.They are from the same family.One is named Clepa and the other is Penelope.At first glance a stranger wouldn't know the difference between the two.Clepa is Penelopes mother.A mother and daughter cat duo.

Classification Essay

                    Many of my years have been spent getting up early to walk through the same hospital double doors.After all this time it still makes me smile to myself every morning I arrive and every evening when I leave.There is a certain internal satisfaction to knowing I have truely helped someone during a bad time.I have learned a lot about people over the years and one thing I can say for certain is there are three types of  people that come in the hospital for help,The Complainer,The Smiler and The Deciever
                   First there is The Complainer.This is the person you hear from the ambulance.They have been screaming and complaining from the moment they were picked up.They are busy blaming everyone around them about the fact that the ambulance took so long right down to the fact that God has made it rain and what am I going to do about that fact?This is the person I am busy trying to figure out what I or the hospital in general can actually do for them."What happened,what hurts now?"They answer my question almost like an after thought , quickly getting back to thier other complaints that have nothing to do with thier visit and nothing I can fix.These are the people that in the moment I must remind myself that I really love my job and care about this stranger before me.These are also the people that at the end of the day I shake my head and hope thier okay.
                Next there is The Smiler.Yes I said Smiler.These are the poor sad creatures that no matter what thier issue thay look in your eyes and say,"I'm fine dear."These are the people I feel most sorry for.Not so much because they have arrived to us injured or sick but because they don't seem to have the inner mustard to stand up for themselves.Even when thier life truely depends on thier answer they will shake thier heads,say no and tell me they have no serious medical issues.These are the people that are guessing games.Wiether they are vomiting blood or have a gapping wound even when there may be a death involved they will smile through tears and say all is all right.These are the people that at the end of my day I'm almost in tears wondering if they are truely alright,wishing they had only said something for themselves and for me.
              Finnally there is the worst of all The Deciever.I truely start out liking this one the most and end up hating them right to pieces.This is the one that chit chats with me about everything in thier lives laughing and joking with me over old stories and telling me how great thier experience has been.They never complain and always seem happy with me.When they leave I wish them well and they say things like,"You've been so wonderful thank you so much for everything."I smile thinking wow they were really nice hope they do well.Then bam a week or so later here comes the truth.A letter written not only to the boss but to the CEO.How awful thier care was from the Dietary Department to the nursing care.All the chit chat and joking all the no all is fine was nothing more than a rouse.They really hated me and thought their care was awful.That person is the worst.Why in Gods name did you not speak up when someone could have helped with those issues?Now nothing will come from it and the fact that you complained about all departments in the hospital gives you very little credibility.Because truthfully once you complain about everything we see little we could have done to help you to begin with.
           So I say keep a few things in mind the next time you find yourself in the unfortunate positoin of being a patient in a hospital.We are all in this profession because we care we really do want to help you.We are not judging why or how you ended up in our hospital.There are things we can not fix.We did not push you down your stairs,we didn't let your grandkid borrow the wood chipper and we didn't give you high cholestrol.We will be kind,patient and understanding.We are not mind readers.So, if there are issues we can help with polietly speak up.But remember there are some issues that are not ours to fix.We are medical proffesionals and we are also human beings with feelings.Being rude,yelling or acting like nothings wrong will not fix why you are here in the first place.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Outro for Classification Essay

                        Keep a few things in mind the next time you have the misfortune of being a patient in a hospital.We are in this profession because we care we really do want to help you.We are not judging why or how you came to be in our hospital.There are things we cannot fix.We did not push you down the stairs that broke your ankle,we did not break your wood chipper so it would be faulty and hurt you and did not give you high cholestrol.We will be kind,patient and understanding.We are not mind readers.So if there's an issue polietly speak up.If we can fix it we will.Some issues are simply out of our hands.We are medical proffesionals but we are also; human beings with feelings.Being rude and yelling at us will not  fix  why you have found yourself in the hospital to begin with.

Classification Intro # 2

                             For all of you out there who work day in and day out to take care of people at thier worst times this is for you.First there's the patient you can hear from the ambulance screaming about the shirt the paramedics cut off to save him from being killed by a wood chipper.That's when you think to yourself,self, remember you're compassionate and you care.Then there's the seventy year old man that's having a massive heart attack,vomiting blood,sweating and saying,"I'm okay."And finnally ther's the worst of them all.The one you ask over and over,"Is there anything more we can do for you?" "Would you like anything else?"And thier response is always the same."Oh no dear the care has been wonderful top notch.Thank you so much."Be aware of this one.This one in little more than a week is going to write the most awful letter straight to the CEO filled with complaints they never had while in your care and flat out lies about how you spoke to them.They will have complaints all the way from food service to pain management.

Classification Essay Intro # 1

                          Many types of people walk into a hospital on any given day.There are those that you hear fromthe emergancy parking lot complaining about everything from the ride,to the wait to the pure fact that its raining outside.There are those that you know are in horrible agony but yet wouldn't complain even though thier life does depend on it.And then there's the worst kind in my opion.They smile,tell you everything is great, top notch care and then bam one week after discharge the've written a completly rotten letter directly to the CEO filled with nothing but complaints.

Graff 16 Reaction to classification samples

                              I loved these!They were real,down to earth, to the point and made me laugh!I really liked the one the lady wrote about the different types of male sports fanatics.It was so very true and funny oh my goodness.Truth is sometimes so much funnier than something made up.I think because people can relate to it.I really look forward to writing my own in the future assignments.I have a personally perfect topic for me I believe.And I hope mine people can find real and and humerous.

Meta Graph on Cause essay #15

                        I was sitting in front of my computer wondering how in the hell this isn't going to sound like a story!I have written many stories over the years some with awards attached.But a "cause essay" what does that mean exactly?I mean I get that it tells why and all but isn't that what what a story is?It tells us what,why,how and so on?So I sit writing old school on paper first easier for me to think,then I pace.Huh I think Good Heavens I hope this is right.So, I write what I believe to be a good decent cause essay.I feel disappointed somehow I think I have missed some meaning of the assignment.And "good" and "decent" aren't really what I'm looking for.I sppose my teacher will let me know.He'll tell me what isn't right or if it is.So I'll hold my breath and hope its not all wrong!

Cause Essay

                  As I stood in the cold night air, on streets  I'd never known, I could not help but remember this all started with a bet.One hundred dollars,very small bet for such a long move.At twenty-five I felt I was ready.I knew why I was here,but, still wondered why I would stay.
                 Still pondering my  question I got into the yellow cab that had finnally shown up for me.I slide in rattled off the  address and off we went down dark unfamiliar roads.After fifteen minutes or so the driver stopped.He said something which I could not understand,as I had not understood a word anyone had said since hitting the state of Maine from Missouri.I noticed this was not my new apartment in Bangor,Maine.This looked more like a club with a long line of people standing outside waiting to get in.I thought a moment and decided to pay the driver and get out anyway.
                 I stood in the line with voices I could not understand shivering in the cold.If September is always this cold,I thought, I'll never make it here.As I finnally got through the club doors I saw hoards of people,lights flashing and heard plenty of loud music.I went to the bar and pointed to a beer , no one here could understand me any better than I could them.I stood looking around when suddenly someone caught my eye.He was leaning against a wall with a small group of people leaning close to hear one of them speak.Something told me I had to met him.After all I could always go home and never see this person again so whats the worst that could happen?
                 I mustarded up the courage walked right up asked him to dance,of which he did not understand me, nor I him.I grabbed his hand and he followed.We danced and when the song was over he said something to me of which I smiled and nodded.I couldn't understand a word he was saying.Until he said,"I'll just call you sweetheart."He must have been trying to ask me my name before.Still I understood sweetheart and had never heard it sound like that!
                We talked and talked for hours.He spoke slowly and I asked him to repeat a lot of things but it was a great conversation known the less.At the beginning of the night I knew  why I was in Maine and at the end of the night I kew why I was gonna stay.
              Its been thirteen years now and I'm still here and the first person I ever understood here is the same one I'm still with all these years later.And I still love the way he says sweetheart.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

I- Search Why I'm Writing Revised

                         I have many reasons for writing on this subject.There are many questions involved some may be answered some may not."Where did my ancestors come from?"Do I have a personality like any of my birth family?""Did my birthmother like to write as much as I do?"These are the type of questions that may not be answered in a paper.They are personal and not facts to look up for research.Thats why I feel there are almost two seperate papers within one topic.You have the personal sided questions then you have the more legal,factual ones; such as,"What did the court system allow for information?" "Where birthparents even allowed to hold thier babies?" "How did people react to adoption as a society?"There are so many sides of this topic.I want to explore all sides of this coin to dig deep into the views and minds of society as a  whole on some level.I am hoping there is a great deal of care and dignity  in the early years of adoption.Sadly my gut says otherwise.I am feeling a bit like an Egyptian anthropologist digging deeper and deeper into the dirt and hoping beyond hope to find a diamond in the rough.

Graff 14 - Research plan

                     My plan of writing my paper is going to have to start with sorting through information.Narrowing the topic down.I plan on looking through web sites for Missouri adoptions from 1973 to 1992.I thought  this gives me a time period to work within that helps narrow the field a little.I'm also; old school so I'm sure a library will be in there.Looking for books of sories about adoptions that took place through that period.I'm thinking cutting it down to a handful of laws that were crucial to adoption then would be better than trying to sort through all of the laws.Also; for the personal side of things I may interview my own adopted mother for that aspect and send my birthdaughter and her parebts a questionare.Asking things that held them up,kept then up at night and maybe why choosing adoption was good for them.In Missouri at the time of my bithdaughters adoption birthparents had three years to take childern back no questions asked, I would like thier feeling on that.I'm sure I will get this narrowed  down with time and research.

What I already know questions

   How do you find an adoption attorney?
          You can simply look them up in the phone book if you choose.I think a better way would be to speak with people you know that could help you.
  How do you find perspective parents for your unborn baby?
          There are plenty of sites out there today to be matched up.If you already have an attorney they usually have a list of potential people.Of course it also depends on what type of adoption your looking for,open or closed.
  How do you decide what type of adoption you want?
           This a very personal and difficult question.Open is great for free flow of information but it can also be extremly hard.You have to take into account you will be watching this person grow up with no say in thier life decisions.Closed has its on set of issues.No real knowing of what kind of person this babies coming from.I mean lets be honest adoption agencies have been known to fudge the truth.
 If you choose open how "open"do you want it?
           This may seem a strange question but believe me I know how relevant it becomes.Only health information,birthday cards,invites to gatherings?The list is endless.only the people involved in the adoption can answer this question its personal and varies greatly.
 If you choose "closed" how much written information are you going to provide for adoptive parents?
            This is  crucial I believe.To not inform perspective parents of serious health risks including a family history of mental illness or cancer is in my opion immoral.If you had your child naturally you would know.You have a right to know.Some people want to walk away and cut all ties.Some people want to leave a letter for that child for when thier grown,some people are ok with being contacted when the child is of age others are not.I knew I could not do a closed adoption myself.
  Are you ready for the questions from the child?(As an adoptive parent or birth one)
            This must be considered before the adoption takes place.And you are never ready!I have an open adoption with  my birthdaughter Madeline (who I named)I  have been to her dance recitals,dinners at her home and even weddings she's always known who I am.I still got the call on her 18th birthday with questions I guess she never thought she could ask before.And I still wasn't ready.I got off the phone a crying mess.Open is hard not for everyone.
  How much has adoption changed?
            There was a day when open adoption was not a phrase.Only closed hush, hush adoptions.I think the've changed a lot.People seem less suprised than they did twenty years ago by the term.More people even think its a good idea.
  Will I be able to get my facts and personal points across in this paper?
            I really believe I will.It will take a lot but it will be worth it in the end.

Revised Intro Graff

                           As I waited outside in the dark cold night I was going to call it a night.Going to go to my new home here in Bangor, Maine.As I slide into the back of this foreign cab I rattled off the address.The second the cab driver pulled up I  knew that this  was not the correct address.This place was not an older white apartment.It was a large parking lot with a very long line outside of people waiting to get inside.I'd already paid the driver so I figured go in see whats going on.As I stood outside in line I noticed two things, one I still couldn't understand a word anyone was saying and two my teeth were the only ones chattering.Wrong address yes, adventure yes.And I couldn't wait to get inside.

Sunday, September 23, 2012


                              I had started the night with a wrong address and ended with managing to do something I'd never done.I asked a man to dance.Granted I really didn't wait for an answer but he followed known the less.And when he said sweetheart well it was not only the first word I had understood since hitting the state of Maine but with that accent I was staying near by.I didn't care if I understood any other word I would just say,"Please say sweetheart again."

Graff 13 Reaction to cause essays

                           I really liked the essay about the eight year old being a chicken.I laughed and laughed.Maybe its because I  once was that eight year at the recital or maybe its because I watch my own kids now at theirs.Either way it had a great intro line and it was written well.

Intro 2

                    I walked into this place I'd never been.Crazy lights,loud music and not a soul I could understand through thier thick Maine accents.So I just ordered a beer and nodded a lot mainly because I had no idea what anyone was saying.As I looked around I thought this is where a wrong address will bring you!

Intro 1

                        I wasn't from the area so when I got in the cab and gave him a different address I figured what the hell?See where it leads.It lead me into a noisy,crowed enviroment I never would have knowingly gone in too.But hey,few drinks wrong address whats the worst that could happen?

Graff 12 - Place

                    I steeped off the elevator onto the beach.The soft white sand ,the blue ocean water and the warm plentiful sun beaming down.The air was warm and salty and the scene was breath taking.Nothing to see but beatiful miles of sand and blue sky that seemed to go on forever.Thier were people behind me to my right on the patio dressed casual in shorts and T- shirts.These were people I'd never met older people retired perhaps sucking up the fresh air and watching us.The birds flying overhead so bright with red,blue and yellow so tropical looking.And as I stop I look over to see this handsome,beaming man.Dressed in tan pants with a white shirt with eyes more blue than the ocean before us.And as I stand soaking in all the beautiful things before me  the most beautiful of all is before me my soon to be husband.We are standing in the sand of Maderia Beach ,Florida and at that moment all the beauty around us seems like perfection.The sand and sound of the waves welcome us into marrige.