
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

What I already know questions

   How do you find an adoption attorney?
          You can simply look them up in the phone book if you choose.I think a better way would be to speak with people you know that could help you.
  How do you find perspective parents for your unborn baby?
          There are plenty of sites out there today to be matched up.If you already have an attorney they usually have a list of potential people.Of course it also depends on what type of adoption your looking for,open or closed.
  How do you decide what type of adoption you want?
           This a very personal and difficult question.Open is great for free flow of information but it can also be extremly hard.You have to take into account you will be watching this person grow up with no say in thier life decisions.Closed has its on set of issues.No real knowing of what kind of person this babies coming from.I mean lets be honest adoption agencies have been known to fudge the truth.
 If you choose open how "open"do you want it?
           This may seem a strange question but believe me I know how relevant it becomes.Only health information,birthday cards,invites to gatherings?The list is endless.only the people involved in the adoption can answer this question its personal and varies greatly.
 If you choose "closed" how much written information are you going to provide for adoptive parents?
            This is  crucial I believe.To not inform perspective parents of serious health risks including a family history of mental illness or cancer is in my opion immoral.If you had your child naturally you would know.You have a right to know.Some people want to walk away and cut all ties.Some people want to leave a letter for that child for when thier grown,some people are ok with being contacted when the child is of age others are not.I knew I could not do a closed adoption myself.
  Are you ready for the questions from the child?(As an adoptive parent or birth one)
            This must be considered before the adoption takes place.And you are never ready!I have an open adoption with  my birthdaughter Madeline (who I named)I  have been to her dance recitals,dinners at her home and even weddings she's always known who I am.I still got the call on her 18th birthday with questions I guess she never thought she could ask before.And I still wasn't ready.I got off the phone a crying mess.Open is hard not for everyone.
  How much has adoption changed?
            There was a day when open adoption was not a phrase.Only closed hush, hush adoptions.I think the've changed a lot.People seem less suprised than they did twenty years ago by the term.More people even think its a good idea.
  Will I be able to get my facts and personal points across in this paper?
            I really believe I will.It will take a lot but it will be worth it in the end.

1 comment:

  1. Looks fine, but be open perhaps to dropping some of the questions if they become less relevant as you research.
