
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Annotated Bibiliography

PA Kenney W., Kenney."Kansas City Adoption Law FAQ" -website- 10/17/12
This website answers a wide variety of questions concerning all types of adoption including foreign adoptions.Gives examples of recent cases of adoption in Missouri.

From Wikipedia.The free encyclopedia- website- 10/17/12
This site gives much history information from the middle ages to contemporary times.Speaks of many forms of adoption,from family to family adoption to nieghbors to more times of "formal" adoptions."Adoption Network Law Center"-website- 10/16/12
This website deals more with the emotional issues that come from the adoption process.It deals with emotions from all sides but does have a lean towards the birthparent.It includes support group sites.

1 comment:

  1. The notes on the sites are fine, but the format for the entries is incomplete. Try or look up samples or google 'mla source format'
